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Past events

12 March 2024

Sustainable Leadership: preparing your teams

Webinar in English

How ready are you and your teams/organisations for current and future challenges?

Get your team ready to weather any storm.

Join me, Jacqui Syndercombe, for an exploration of the challenges leaders face today and unlock actionable strategies to build a resilient and thriving team.

This webinar is aimed at people who are committed to change within their company and who know that they are unable to do it alone.

Tuesday 12 March @ 13h CET

Duration: 1 hour

Free participation with compulsory registration with this link.

Agenda :

🌍  A dive into the complexity of the world today

👥 Learn what’s needed for teams to be able to work together effectively

🔎  Evaluate how your team is currently doing

Q&A session

This webinar is organised by Syndercombe Consulting

12 April 2024

Activate Change with Doughnut Economics for Business

Webinar in English

Discover Donut Economics for Business in this interactive webinar. 

You’ll not only discover this model, but also experience (some of) its application possibilities! 


✅ Donut economy for business – what’s it all about? 

✅ Practical implementation ideas

✅ Q&A session

This webinar is aimed at people who are committed to change within their company. 

Friday April 12h at 1pm CEST

Duration: 1 hour

📩 Free with compulsory registration with this link.

Replay will be available.

This webinar is organized by Syndercombe Consulting & Teams4Purpose

26 January 2024

Démarrez 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ avec le Donut ! 

🍩 Découvrez l’Économie du Donut pour les Entreprises et sa “magie des possibles” lors de notre prochain webinar : 

Économie du Donut pour les entreprises – késako ? 

Exercice “idées transformatrices” (ou “imaginer les possibles”)

Séance de Q&R

Ce webinar s’adresse à des actrices et acteurs du changement au sein de leur entreprise.

🗓 Vendredi 26 janvier à 13h 

🔥 Webinar interactif d’une heure 

📩  Participation gratuite avec inscription obligatoire 

Un replay sera disponible sur inscription